All about Ghetto Gato

Hello! 👋🏻

ghetto cat vintage history blog

Many of you already know me, some of you are new and some of you, despite knowing me, don't know what the story is behind Ghetto Gato. I don't see a better way to start this blog than by talking about this small business, telling its story, which is my story. 🖋

I'm Ana, from Alicante and I've been truly passionate about vintage for years. So much so that I started buying clothes that weren't my size just because I considered them beautiful and I wanted to give them the value they deserved. The situation began to get out of hand, I couldn't fit a single item of clothing in my closet and I had to start storing boxes under the bed. The first rack of clothes arrived and filled quickly. I had to change it for a two-story one that also took a little time to fill.

In 2014 I had already had my first contact with the world of vintage stores at Revolver Vintage Shop ( 🙋🏻‍♀️ hello to Ángela, Manu and Javi, my partners and above all friends! 💖). But I didn't want everything to stop there, I wanted to continue in the world of vintage and at the end of 2015 I decided to start selling everything I had accumulated.

The first thing was to name the project: Ghetto Gato. The name comes from my cats, who came out of the window to walk on the neighbors' roofs and I always said that they had created their own ghetto. The cats of the ghetto. Furthermore, the name suited me because I wanted to focus the style of the store on something more casual, more urban and casual.

At that time I lived in a shared apartment and had to live in a tent. Occasionally I received visitors at home to look at the clothes but due to other obligations I did not dedicate the time I should/wanted to them. Ghetto Gato was a project in the background for several years.

In 2016 I moved and reserved a room for the Ghetto Gato showroom, I had always had in mind to have a showroom at home. It wasn't until 2017 that I decided to launch myself fully into the project. I used the excuse that I was out of work and I wished I had made the decision sooner. I moved, opened the website, gave the brand a lot of effort on social media and set up the showroom! And... until today!

Although I started this project alone, I really didn't do it alone since I had the support of all my friends and family who contributed with likes, follows, word of mouth and supporting me in everything, that was what made Ghetto Gato take off👫👭👬

I can without a doubt say that I LOVE my job, it makes me very happy and I have also made great new friends thanks to Ghetto Gato!

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